Things to do When You Are Bored

50 Interesting Things to do When You Are Bored

When the inevitable wave of boredom crashes over you, fear not. There’s a world of exciting possibilities waiting to be explored. From more conventional bored-busting activities like going for a run to trying your hand at hula hooping, the options are endless.

This isn’t just a list of things to do when you are bored, but it’s a vibrant collection of 50 exhilarating ideas that promise to banish monotony and infuse your life with much-needed spice.

So, whether you’re seeking adventure or simply craving a change of pace, dive into this eclectic catalogue of boredom-beating activities and discover a world of excitement right at your fingertips.

However before delving into this list check out some of Pretoria’s hidden gems right here.

1. Have a Solo Indoor Picnic

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash

Transform a dull day into a delightful adventure with a solo indoor picnic. Grab your favourite snacks, spread out a cosy blanket, and create your palace of fun within the confines of your home.

Dive into a world of taste and imagination as you savour each bite while enjoying the comfort of your home. It’s a simple yet exciting way to banish boredom and add joy to your day.

2. Make Homemade Ice Cream

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Perry Stevens on Unsplash

Boredom never tasted so sweet! When the doldrums of a lazy day set in, why not whip up some homemade ice cream magic? It’s a delightful adventure for your taste buds and a fun-filled project to banish boredom.

Select your favourite ingredients, mix, freeze and savour the satisfaction of crafting your creamy masterpiece.

3. Make Your Own Applesauce

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Nadja Oertlin on Unsplash

Making your applesauce is the perfect remedy for those idle moments. Buy a packet of juicy apples, simmer them with a dash of cinnamon and a hint of sugar, and watch the magic unfold.

The aroma will spread wonderfully throughout the house. So, roll up your sleeves and whip up some homemade applesauce.

4. Make your own Chip Dip

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Crafting a delectable, one-of-a-kind chip dip is the ultimate culinary thrill. Start with a creamy base like sour cream or Greek yoghurt, then let your creativity wild. Mix herbs, spices, and your favourite ingredients – from smoky bacon to zesty jalapeños.

The result is an irresistible chip dip that will taste like nothing you purchase from a convenience store.

5. Start Writing Your Life Autobiography

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

Why not embark on the thrilling adventure of writing your own life’s story? This journey will take you back to the deep recesses of your memory, allowing you to relive the highs and lows and craft a narrative that will resonate with the world. And because it’s an autobiography, it can be amended as you live.

6. Memorise All 9 Provinces & Provincial Capitals

Photo by Shaun Meintjes on Unsplash

Meet the brain-busting challenge of memorising South Africa’s diverse 9 provinces and vibrant capitals.

Picture the scenic landscapes of the Western Cape with Cape Town’s Table Mountain backdrop or the bustling energy of Gauteng’s Johannesburg. Embrace the rhythm of Kwazulu-Natal’s Durban and the historic charm of the Free State’s Bloemfontein.

Let the names roll off your tongue, and learn a little more about our beautiful country.

7. Listen To A Random Podcast

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Picture a lazy Sunday afternoon, and you’re lounging on your favourite couch, feeling utterly bored.

What do you do? You reach for your trusty smartphone, open your favourite podcast app, and embark on an adventure into the unknown.

You’re transported to a world of fascinating stories, captivating interviews, and unexpected insights with a random podcast episode as your guide.

8. Read Greek Philosophy

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash

Embark on a thrilling journey through the captivating world of Greek philosophy. Dive into the profound thoughts of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus as you explore the timeless wisdom that has shaped the foundations of modern ethics and politics.

From the Socratic method to the allegorical cave of knowledge, Greek philosophy promises a stimulating escape from the mundane, offering intellectual adventure at your fingertips.

Also read:

9. Clean Out Your Gmail Inbox (You know you need to)

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

Are you tired of the email clutter? It’s time to purge your inbox. Dive into your Gmail account and start a digital spring cleaning session.

Swipe, delete, and organise those forgotten messages. Rediscover the thrill of an empty inbox while banishing email anxiety. Who knew decluttering could be so satisfying? Embrace the peace of an empty inbox.

10. Clean Your Fridge Thoroughly (You’ll be surprised by what you find)

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Darrien Staton on Unsplash

Plunge into the icy abyss of your fridge, bid farewell to forgotten leftovers, and banish those mystery spills and unwelcome smells.

With eco-friendly cleaners and a scrubbing sponge, transform your fridge into a gleaming haven of freshness. Not only will you beat boredom, but you’ll also ensure your food stays fresher and longer.

So, grab that apron, put on your favourite playlist, and let the fridge revival commence.

11. Start Recycling 

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Nareeta Martin on Unsplash

Gather your bottles, cans, and paper items and embark on a recycling adventure. Discover the joy of reducing waste, conserving resources, and contributing to a better earth right from the comfort of your home. Plus, it makes a positive impact – a win-win for you and Mother Earth.

12. Re-organise Your Wardrobe 

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Jamesthethomas5 on Unsplash

Rediscover your wardrobe, unearth forgotten treasures, and reimagine your style. From decluttering to colour-coordinating, it’s a chance to rediscover your fashion flair.

Who knows what gems you’ll uncover? With a dash of creativity and a pinch of enthusiasm, your wardrobe will reflect your personality in no time.

13. Vacuum Specific Areas around the House

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Feeling a wave of boredom wash over you? Why not turn mundane chores into a satisfying adventure?

Grab your vacuum cleaner and embark on a quest to conquer dust and debris in those neglected corners of your home. From under the sofa to behind the bookshelves, each pass of the vacuum’s nozzle reveals instant gratification as your space transforms from drab to fab.

14.  Learn a New Language 

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Learning a new language injects excitement, transforming them into opportunities for growth and discovery.

The thrill of mastering new words, unravelling foreign scripts, and embracing another culture can turn boredom into a quest for learning.

So, why not seize that idle time and embark on a linguistic journey that promises to captivate your mind and broaden your horizons?

15. Learn a Coding Language

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

With a few clicks and keystrokes, you’ll unlock endless possibilities. Dive into the captivating realm of programming, where you can craft games, build websites, or even develop apps.

Embrace the challenge; before you know it, you’ll be the master of your digital universe, all while banishing boredom forever.

16. Learn How to Plant a Garden

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Discover the unexpected joy of gardening. Dive into the greenery, soil, and blossoms world as you learn how to plant a garden.

Unleash your creativity, nurture your oasis, and watch vibrant blooms and lush greens sprout from your efforts. It’s not just a pastime; it’s a therapeutic journey that turns idle moments into a thriving sanctuary of colour and life.

17. Learn 10 New Words from the Dictionary

Things to do When You Are Bored
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Crack open that dusty dictionary and unearth ten gems of linguistic brilliance. With each word, you’ll unlock a new realm of expression. It’s a mental adventure that transforms tedium into fascination.

So, grab your dictionary, embark on the linguistic journey, and let the magic of language whisk you into greater literacy.

18. Learn About Constellations

Photo by Natalie Parham on Unsplash

As you gaze up at the stars, take a cosmic journey, connecting the dots to form captivating celestial stories.

Each constellation has its mythological tale, making stargazing a thrilling adventure that ignites your imagination.

So, next time you’re feeling restless, look up and let the stars paint a masterpiece on the canvas of your mind.

19. Colour in a Colouring Book

Photo by Kelly Brito on Unsplash

Transform boredom into bursts of creativity with a colouring book! Dive into a world of hues and shades, where every stroke adds life to the page.

Feel the satisfaction of filling blank spaces with vibrant colours, turning mundane moments into a canvas of imagination. Let your inner artist roam freely, painting the day with a palette of joy and zest.

20. Try Hula Hooping

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Hula hoop, you read correctly, hula hoop. Grab a hula hoop and let the fun begin. It’s not just a kids’ game anymore but a fantastic way to get your body moving.

The rhythmic swaying of the hips, the mesmerising spin of the hoop—there’s something oddly therapeutic about it. So, give hula hooping a whirl next time you’re feeling uninspired.

21. Do an Online Personality Test

Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

Delve into the world of online personality tests. With just a few clicks, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and amusement.

Whether determining your Hogwarts house or uncovering your personality type, these tests offer a delightful diversion that’s fun and enlightening.

So why not turn boredom into a chance to explore the fascinating realms of your inner psyche? The Myers-Briggs personality test is a great option to do a comprehensive examination.

22. Wash Your Car

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Give your car some much-needed TLC. Grab a bucket, soap, and a sponge, and let the foam fly.

Not only will you beat the boredom blues, but you’ll also unveil a sparkling, showroom-worthy ride that’ll turn heads on the road. You might even discover a newfound love for car care.

23. Delete Old Data on Your Phone

Photo by Rahul Chakraborty on Unsplash

Deleting old data is like giving your phone a much-needed makeover. Clear out old photos, unused apps, and ancient SMSs.

Not only will it free up precious storage space, but it will also make your device run smoother.

So, seize the moment and watch your phone transform into a lean, mean entertainment machine.

24. Take a Free Course

Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

Imagine learning about that quirky interest you’ve always had but have yet to explore.

Whether it’s astrophysics, baking, or public speaking, there’s a course just waiting for you. Turn your boredom into brilliance, one click at a time and unlock a world of knowledge from the comfort of your couch.

25. Do a Genealogy Test (Discover your roots)

Photo by Amplitude Magazin on Unsplash

Unlock the mysteries of your ancestry with a genealogy test.

When boredom strikes, take the time to uncover your roots. From distant lands to forgotten family stories, these tests reveal the secrets hidden within your DNA.

It’s like opening a captivating novel, with each result page turning a new chapter in the epic saga of your heritage. Uncover the fascinating tapestry of your lineage and understand more about yourself.

26. Go Birdwatching

Photo by Ryan Magsino on Unsplash

Why not spread your wings and try birdwatching? It’s a delightful pastime bringing nature’s beauty to your doorstep. Grab your binoculars, head outdoors, and let the feathered wonders of the avian world captivate your senses.

From the mesmerising melodies of songbirds to the majestic flight of raptors, every moment is a thrilling adventure waiting to unfold. Embrace the serenity of birdwatching and let boredom take flight.

27. Go Swimming at the Beach

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

There’s no better medicine than a beach swim. Feel the warm sand between your toes as you rush towards the inviting waves.

Dive into the sea’s cold embrace, leaving your cares behind with each stroke. The rhythmic sound of the surf becomes your soundtrack, and the endless horizon your canvas.

28. Play Bowls (Not Bowling, Bowls)

Photo by Mark Timberlake on Unsplash

Why not roll away your cares with a thrilling game of bowls? This game offers a delightful blend of strategy and skill. Picture the serene green lawn, the clink of bowls colliding, and the joy of aiming for that elusive jack.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, bowls promise endless entertainment and camaraderie.

So, grab your bowls, gather your friends, and let the good times roll. You might even make a couple of unexpected new friends.

29. Take a Drive (Check fuel tank before hand)

Photo by Samuele Errico Piccarini on Unsplash

The open road holds the promise of excitement and discovery. Roll down the windows, crank up your favourite tunes, and let the wind tousle your hair as you chase the horizon.

Who knows what hidden gems and unexpected thrills await around the next bend? Take that drive and have a memorable journey.

30. Go For a Bicycle Ride

Photo by Murillo de Paula on Unsplash

Grab your bike and let boredom take a backseat. Embark on an exhilarating adventure as you pedal through winding trails, breathe in the fresh air, and feel the wind in your hair.

Whether a leisurely ride through your neighbourhood or an off-road escapade, it should be fun and accessible.

So, gear up, embrace the thrill, and let the two-wheeled excitement transport you to a world of fun and freedom.

31. Go For a Run

Photo by Murillo de Paula on Unsplash

Lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement. A run is your ticket to an instant adventure, a journey of self-discovery, and a rush of endorphins that will banish boredom to the sidelines.

Embrace the rhythm of your breath, the beat of your heart, and the world rushing by as you transform a dull moment into an exhilarating experience.

32. Learn how to ride Heelys

Source: Facebook / @Heelys Worldwide

Boredom can be the perfect catalyst for discovering hidden talents, and what better way to do this than by mastering the art of gliding on Heelys?

Yes, Heelys are still available, and they promise an exhilarating journey of balance and finesse. So, when boredom strikes, don’t just twiddle your thumbs – lace up those Heelys and roll into a fun-filled adventure.

33. Talk to Yourself out Loud

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

Have you ever caught yourself in sheer boredom, engaging in a lively conversation with none other than yourself?

Talking out loud when bored is a quirky habit many share. It’s like having your stand-up comedy show, a monologue of thoughts, or even a pep talk that keeps your mind entertained when there’s nothing else to do.

Embrace your amusing conversations with yourself. It shows your creativity and resourcefulness.

34. Treat Yourself to your Favourite Takeaway Meal

Photo by Raman on Unsplash

Indulge in boredom-busting bliss by treating yourself to your all-time favourite takeaway meal.

Imagine sinking your teeth into that mouthwatering pizza, savouring the tantalising flavours of your go-to sushi rolls, or relishing the comforting embrace of a steaming bowl of ramen.

It’s not just about satisfying your taste buds; it’s a mini-vacation for your senses. So, go ahead, order in, and turn those dull moments into delicious memories.

35. Donate Blood (Check with your doctor beforehand)

Photo by Nguyễn Hiệp on Unsplash

Consider donating your blood. Before you embark on this noble quest, please consult your local doctor to ensure it’s safe.

Donating blood not only combats boredom but also saves lives. So, roll up your sleeves, make a difference, and let your altruism beat the boredom blues.

36. Greet and Chat to 5 Strangers

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Strike up conversations with five random strangers, whether you’re strolling down the street or sipping coffee at your local cafe. You’ll be amazed at the fascinating stories and unique perspectives waiting to be discovered.

You might make new friends or stumble upon hidden gems in your community. Embrace the unexpected and turn boredom into an exciting journey of connection and discovery.

37. Yell! (It’s therapeutic)

Photo by Ronny Sison on Unsplash

Here’s a secret stress-busting technique that will make you feel lighter than ever. Stand in your bedroom or even go to a secluded hiking trail.

Then take a deep breath, gather all your pent-up tension, and then…let it rip!

Shout, scream, and yell to your heart’s content. It’s like hitting the reset button on your emotions. Just make sure no one mistakes it for a horror movie scream.

38. Learn How To Vinyl Print Clothes

Photo by frank van der leer on Unsplash

Are you tired of your plain old clothes? Well, here’s a thrilling way to jazz them up. Transform your wardrobe with vibrant vinyl prints that complement your personality.

With a bit of creativity and some basic materials, you can become a master of DIY fashion. From edgy graphic tees to custom-designed hoodies, the possibilities are endless.

So, why wait? Embrace the art of printing vinyl on clothes and let your imagination run wild.

39. Start An Online Blog

Photo by Fikret tozak on Unsplash

It’s time to take charge and start your very own blog. Imagine a platform where you can delve into the subjects that truly pique your interest, whether exploring the mysteries of the universe or uncovering the hidden gems of your favourite TV series.

With a touch of creativity and a lot of passion, you can turn this activity into an exhilarating journey of discovery. So, get ready to captivate and inspire with your unique blog.

40. Write a Poem to Yourself & Read it To friends

Photo by Brooks Leibee on Unsplash

Write a heartfelt poem to yourself. Pour your deepest thoughts and emotions onto a paper or digital notepad.

And then surprise a friend or family member with your poetic prowess, reading it aloud and watching their jaw drop in awe. Talk about a boredom-busting masterpiece.

41. Try a Staycation Idea (Daddy’s Deals

Photo by Weston M on Unsplash

Spice up your staycation with a unique twist. Hop on a bus and discover the hidden gems of your city. From vibrant neighbourhoods to iconic landmarks, the possibilities are endless.

And to make your adventure even sweeter, remember to check out Daddy’s Deals staycation ideas. Unleash your inner explorer and embark on an unforgettable journey in your backyard.

42. Play Uno 

Photo by Adam Mills on Unsplash

Well, get ready to unleash your inner card shark with Uno. Whether you’re stuck at home on a rainy day or looking for a quick distraction, this classic card game covers you.

With its fast-paced gameplay, strategic twists, and a dash of luck, Uno will have you hooked and begging for just one more round. Get ready to shuffle, deal, and dominate.

43. Take a New Profile Pic (You need to update it)

Photo by Fausto Sandoval on Unsplash

Are you tired of that old profile picture that makes you look like a relic from the past? It’s time to show the world how fabulous you look in the present day.

Say goodbye to those outdated snapshots and embrace the power of a fresh profile picture. Get ready to accumulate those likes and let your refined self shine.

44. Watch a Presidential Inauguration

Source: Facebook / @ John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Although this is a somewhat odd activity, it can be surprisingly gratifying. The atmosphere crackles with electricity, igniting a flame of curiosity within you.

Surprisingly, what seemed like an uninspiring event unfolds into a mesmerising spectacle, captivating your senses and leaving you hungry for more political drama.

That’s what a presidential inauguration can stir up while eliminating your current malaise.

45. Buy an Art Piece (Please don’t blow your budget)

Photo by Sable Flow on Unsplash

Dive into the world of affordable art and discover a masterpiece that won’t break the bank.

You can transform your dull space into a vibrant sanctuary with a touch of imagination and a sprinkle of curiosity.

Unleash your inner curator and find that perfect piece that speaks to your soul. Let the art adventure begin.

46. Decorate a Plain Mug

Photo by Grant Durr on Unsplash

Spice up your caffeine routine with a dash of creativity. Unleash your inner artist and transform that plain mug into a masterpiece. Grab colourful markers, paint, or glitter, and let your imagination run wild.

Whether it’s a vibrant floral design or a quirky quote that brings a smile to your face, decorating your mug is the perfect way to add a splash of excitement to your day.

47. Play With a LEGO Set

Photo by Rick Mason on Unsplash

Dive into the colourful world of LEGO. Reconnect with your inner child as you meticulously construct towering castles, speedy race cars, or intergalactic spaceships.

Let your imagination run wild, piece by piece, as you create your adventure. With LEGO, create a world of endless possibilities. Get ready to unleash your creativity and build memories that will last a lifetime.

48. Play With Slime

Photo by Nellie Adamyan on Unsplash

Slime can be the most odd yet entertaining object if your day isn’t flying. This magical ooze is a boredom-busting powerhouse, ready to transport you to a world of tactile wonder.

Immerse your fingers in its squishy embrace, moulding and stretching it to your heart’s content.

With its vibrant colours and mesmerising textures, slime is the gateway to a realm of endless entertainment.

49. Do a 7th Grade English For Fun

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Grab a pen and paper and tackle a grade 7 English test just for fun. Transport yourself back into the 4 walls of your old classroom as you dive into the world of nouns, verbs, and dangling modifiers.

Grammar can be exhilarating; believe us, we know. Enable your inner word warrior and conquer that test like a champ.

50. Write a Gratitude List (There’s much to be grateful for)

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Shake things up and dive into the beautiful world of gratitude lists. Sure, it may sound a tad cheesy, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. Get a pen and paper or even your trusty smartphone, and jot down everything you’re grateful for.

From that morning cup of joe to the warm embrace of a loved one, you’ll be surprised how quickly boredom fades away, replaced by a newfound appreciation for life’s little treasures.

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Akholiwe Nywebeni

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