Find the root cause of your weight gain with a Bioresonance health scan and fat-freezing treatment from Fenix Vida in Durbanville!
This is the deal:
- A 30-minute Bioresonance health scan
- A 30-minute fat-freezing session in one area
If you are struggling to lose weight, then this might be the solution for you. Fenix Vida, in Durbanville, has a specialized treatment that finds the root cause of your unwanted weight gain.
What is the process of Bioresonance therapy?
You are seated and connected to the biofeedback diagnostic device, which starts detecting the healthy and unhealthy frequencies/waves in your body. The scan is visual and you can see the various systems in your body and the energy states it is in.
The unhealthier waves found during your initial scan are then reversed using a mirror circuit. The waves released by the harmful particles are subsequently eliminated or diminished by sending them back into your body.
The device can scan 8 levels deep, all the way to your DNA, this is where the healing frequencies are sent to – the root of the symptoms.
There are no known negative effects to this alternative therapy, which is completely painless.
What is fat freezing?
This scan is followed by a cryolypolisis session (fat freeze) to get rid of stubborn fat through your lymphatic system. This process is also non-invasive and for most, absolutely pain-free.
This fat reduction procedure which uses cold temperature is designed to reduce localized fat deposits or bulges in certain areas of the body, that do not respond to diet and exercise. Areas such as love handles, back fat, stomach rolls and upper arm fat are the most commo
Benefits of this treatment:
- Safe and effective
- Minimal side effects
- Targets any part of the body
- No recovery period
- Non-invasive and non-surgical
For more information Fenix Vida, visit their website!
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