Total Skin and Body

A Choice Between a Massage or a Pedicure in Morningside

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Deal Price
You Pay:
R 129
R 250
You save:
R 121 (48%)

R 129

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83 in stock

Or split into 4x interest-free payments of R32.25 Learn more
Club Daddy Deal Price
You Pay:
R 109
R 250
You save:
R 141 (56%)

Sales User: 759
Vendor: 2116
SKU: DD-531637 Categories: , , , Tags: , , , ,


Treat yourself to a massage or pedicure this summer at Total Skin and Body in Morningside!

This is the deal:

  • A choice between…
  • A 45-minute head, neck, back and shoulder massage OR
  • A pedicure excluding a paint

Say goodbye to 2022 feeling your absolute best with one of these treatments from Total Skin and Body, conveniently located in Morningside.

At Total Skin and Body, you can expect the very best service, so you can sit back and relax while they take care of you!

With this deal, you get to choose between a massage or pedicure!

A back, neck, head and shoulders massage is a great way to release any built-up tension and increase relaxation in the body. These massages are great for improving circulation, posture, and muscles as well as getting rid of any discomfort.

After this busy year, this is a great way to relax and unwind.

If your feet has been looking a little dry after the long winter months, then now is the time to get your feet ready for summer and sandals! With this pedicure, you can expect your toenails will be trimmed and shaped, your cuticles will be tended to, your feet will be exfoliated, hydrated and massaged! What a bargain.

If you want your toenails painted, please ask the merchant directly.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Grab this massage or pedicure deal in Morningside today!

For more information, visit their Facebook Page.

See more beauty and spa deals on Daddy’s Deals.

A Choice Between a Massage or a Pedicure in Morningside

R 129

83 in stock

Or split into 4x interest-free payments of R32.25 Learn more